Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ode to beauty.

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Genesis 1:31

Something that I have learned since coming to college is how to appreciate simple things. I've always thought that I was a somewhat simple girl (alliteration... what what??), but now, looking back, I have never been as, shall we say, chill as I am now. Not to say that I'm not busy, because I am, but I do have a lot of time to myself. A lot. Which can be good, and it can be bad. I'm lonely sometimes, but the times that I am lonesome, I turn to God instead of my millions and trillions of new friends. Which is a blessing. The Lord has a funny way of working things out, don't you think? It's beautiful to think about where I was this time last year. And what's even more beautiful is what I have become this year. Not to say that I'm perfect now, but I am growing. And changing. And learning and loving and appreciating

All of this goes to say, it's a beautiful life that we live. Especially this time of year. Starkville, Mississippi is brilliant in the fall. It really has been one of those weeks where I have walked around grinning from ear to ear. I was literally singing hymns on my way to the Chi O house Wednesday. Nothing can bring me off this autumn cloud I'm on, and anyone that tries to will be met with a goofy smile.

So this is an ode to beauty. And a hope that maybe my new appreciation of the little pieces of simplicity that color this time of year will cause you to open your eyes just a little bit wider so that you too can get a better view of the big picture.

Simple, beautiful things:

1. Going to the laundry room to get your clothes that you left drying and discovering that they are folded and placed neatly in your laundry bag:
This is just a snapshot of the nice things people have done for me since being in college. I'm telling you, nice people attend Mississippi State University.

2. Trinkets... journals, magnets, postcards, candles

3. Sweet new friends

4. Blue, cloudless skies

5. Soft, green grass

6. Color

7. Friends that bring you chicken noodle soup and carbonated water that you just met two months ago but already know you so so well.

8. Having friends in my sorority

9. Having friends in different sororities

10. Having time

11. Writing letters

12. Boys making sure that girls have a seat on the shuttle before they get on themselves.

13. Realizing that God knows so much more than you do and accepting that gorgeous truth.

"To God be the glory, great things he hath done."


  1. Love your sweet, grateful heart, Catie Marie. And if you think Starkville feels like home now, just wait until spring. :-) There's no place more beautiful.

  2. Mrs. Hudson I can not tell you how much I love Starkville! It's absolutely gorgeous. So funny to think that how much I am following in your footsteps!
