Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Introverted musings.

One thing that I love about college is all of the freedom. Now, most people would take that statement to mean that I can stay out as late as I want, or I can eat whatever I want, or I can watch as much TV as I want without being reprimanded by my parents. But considering that I am 18 going on 80,  I use my free time to do things that I just didn't have time to do in high school. I've recently picked up knitting, rediscovered my passion for reading, become an avid follower of several fabulous fashion blogs, and remembered why I exercised so religiously this summer. These moments of introversion are absolutely my favorite.

Like tonight, for example. My lovely roommate Regan has been studying for her big exam tomorrow, so I've had the room to myself pretty much since dinner. I had some serious me time. I cleaned, I lit my Volcano Aspen Bay candle, I drank hot tea, I crafted, and I watched Atonement, a movie that I've owned for months but haven't gotten the chance to watch yet.

Atonement. This one I did read before seeing the film. What a beautiful novel, and it was so well-represented by the movie. But honestly, how could it possibly go wrong starring Keira Knightley and James McAvoy? It's also directed by the same man that did Pride and Prejudice, so now you're two for two. It's got a great plot, gorgeous setting, and a strikingly accurate depiction of WWII. It also has a great musical score, something that defines a lot of the movie for me. Something that I think is particularly brilliant about the soundtrack is the inclusion of the typewriter in the score, considering what a huge role the typewriter plays in the story. It gives the movie an eerie, haunting feel that I love. The movie does have a somewhat disturbing message... to me, at least. I think it has an extremely interpretive theme, so if you've read it, hit me up, cause I'd love to talk about it.

Absolutely gorgeous.

I would actually marry James McAvoy tomorrow.

Why, yes, that is my prom dress!

Kiera Knightley is just wonderful.

So, in a nutshell, I love being an introvert, and having time, and watching movies that nobody will watch with me based on books that nobody will read, and making crafts that people may never actually see. 

But that's just me.

1 comment:

  1. And I love to write books that possibly nobody will ever read. We all have our little "things" don't we?

    Hey, I realize this is not the place to ask, but I'd love to get together with you and maybe some other girls over Christmas. Coffee or lunch or dinner or something. I'll try to email you or do something else where you can actually respond in a convenient way. :)
