Sunday, June 12, 2011

Vocabulary lesson.

1. To live or stay as a permanent resident, reside
2. To live or continue in a given condition or state
3. To linger on, emphasize, or ponder in thought, speech or writing (often followed by on or upon)

Let's focus on definition number 3.

Something that I've struggled with lately is regret. Well, not exactly regret; more like thinking about the past (because I have one now that I've graduated) and thinking about how it could have been different. What I could have said to salvage a friendship, what I could have done to prolong a relationship. Where I went wrong, or how in the world I was lucky enough to go right. You get the gist. 

But this regret, this dwelling, has recently caused me to become distracted from the present and, more importantly, the future. Because I am unable to let go of things that happened in the past, I am unable to focus on and become excited about my future. A chapter of my life has ended, but I'm physically unable to turn the page and begin the next.

God has so many incredible things planned for those of us who are in his will. I have faith that my future has just as much promise as did my past, and it is this hope that keeps me going. Because how terrible is the thought that the best days of my life have already passed me by? But I know that they have not, and I praise God for that assurance. 

"Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth; do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:18-19

"Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure." Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice.

I know, I'm killing you with all this Jane Austen. But this quote is perfect for this post, and it seemed like too good of a closing statement to let it pass me by just because it's repetitive.



  1. Haha, you should talk to Rosie Jager... she looks forward to the future so much that she forgets to enjoy the present OR past! Life is so wonderful after school. I mean, it's fun in college and all, but I have to say the late 20's have been my very favorite age, and I am really looking forward to my 30's! Also, you will have a *lot* of stuff to dwell on after college, but just remember: God doesn't let you out of his sight. Everything you will do in the next four years, good and bad, right and wrong, will make you into exactly who he wants you to be... and you have to be prepared for the fact that it might be someone very different from what you expected.

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is really funny because BEFORE I saw Mrs. Riley's comment, I was going to comment myself!
    Basically, everything she said, I second.
    And that verse has been one of the theme verses of my freshman year, Catie Marie. Like you have no idea how many times I've been like, "God, I just don't perceive it, but if you say so..." Mrs. Riley's right, I do obessess over the future, and when it doesn't go the way I planned in my "perfect" world, I get bogged down with the past and beat myself up over what I did wrong. Of course, hindsight it 20/20, and you can't change what you see. But don't ignore the fact that you can only see so well BECAUSE of the grace you've experienced after your mistakes, short comings, etc, whatever it is, you fill in the blank.... but more importantly, don't ignore the fact that we have a REDEEMER who is blessing you in the present. I ignore that really important fact alot, and TRUST ME, life is so much more joyful when we don't....
    We seem to have the same problem with opposite causes, so let's decide together to throw off everything that hinders and run the race set out for us... today.
    ... Love you, and my soap box is now vacant.

  3. Wow. Y'all really are such blessings! Not only is a confidence booster that y'all are interested enough in my blog to comment on it, but what y'all both just said is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you so so much. It's just that so much about my life is very uncertain and up in the air right now that I long for the comfort that I feel right now to just... stay. I am praising God right now for the sweet encouragement. It's such an amazing blessing to have such wise people in my life. Thank you thank you both!
