Sunday, March 6, 2011

When I grow up, I want to be Sara Bareilles.

A little background for you: Sara Bareilles is my favorite singer. Ever. You just can't beat a pretty girl with a powerhouse voice, playing the piano, singing songs that she wrote herself. It's just not possible. I'm sure more posts about my girl Sara are still to come, but for now that's all I'm gonna say about her.

I don't pretend to believe that y'all actually watch every video that I put on here. That's just not realistic. I know y'all probably have way better things to do than watch music videos and live performances and random funny stuff that I laugh at way more than I should. But this one... you don't have better things to do. Listen to it. I heard it for the first time this past week and it nearly brought me to tears.
Ok, not really to tears. But it's fantastic.

The singing doesn't actually start until about one minute in, and the absolutely breath-taking (no pun intended) part doesn't come in until about five minutes in, but part of Sara's charm is her wit. So listen to the beginning to get the full live experience that is Sara Bareilles in el concierto.

Click here to listen. Close your eyes if you must. Get the full effect of this. No distractions.

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