Saturday, March 5, 2011

And how can I stand here with You and not be moved by You?

"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." Ezekiel 36:26

Christian school, Christian friends, Christian family.

Curse or blessing?

This past week at my school, we had an event called spiritual impact week. I can remember weeks like this in previous years, when we had missionaries come speak to us during class, when we weren't allowed to have tests so that we could "put our full attention" into the missions conferences that went on each night after school, when we were overjoyed to have chapel services each morning because they were extra 30-45 minutes that we didn't have to be in class.

And I realized this week how disgusting it is that I only remember these weeks that are supposed to be dedicated to honoring missions because of my lessened work load. 

Being at a Christian school in the south for twelve years is a dangerous thing. It is far too easy to become comfortable in the faith and forget that there is, to use David Platt's word, a radical side to Christianity. I believe that God expects us to be passionate about Christianity, and instead, we use it as a lifeline. Saying a prayer is similar to phoning a friend. You use it as a last resort.

And something that I found really bothersome about this week is how nobody even reacted to the incredible testimonies we heard. Have we become so comfortable in our false pretenses of Christianity that not even stories of modern-day slavery touch us? The fact that these events are still going on in the world should shake us to the core.

Simply put by Lifehouse in their song Everything, "How can I stand here with You and not be moved by You?" How can we be spoon fed the medicine of JESUS and not show any results?? No fruit???

I'm praying for the hearts of sleeping Christians to be awakened everywhere, because, while we are bundled up in our cacoons, things are happening in the world that are furthering the gospel, and there are things happening in the world that are destroying it. And God has not called us to lie in our beds and wait for things to happen.

I'm going to remember every chapel that took place this week, because it is important to grab this opportunity that I've been given by the horns and learn all that I can while I still have it waiting for me every day at school.

Below is a video of what is now affectionately known as "the Lifehouse skit." It was performed by some of my friends this week as a part of spiritual impact week, and while it's a powerful video under any circumstances, something about seeing it up close and performed by people that I've grown up with is extremely touching. If you haven't ever seen it, I suggest you watch it now. Now.

And the answer to the question at the beginning of the post? Blessing. Definitely a blessing. 

Wow, that was a long post. I hope I didn't bore you to tears. That's just something that's been on my heart and I wanted to share it with the whole wide internet. 


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