Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Let the great world spin forever down the ringing grooves of change.

Obviously, the seven day HP countdown was a no-go. I just couldn't get it together. Needless to say, I loved the movie. Ask me about it, cause it's one of my favorite subjects nowadays. 

I know you're wondering, "What's her excuse this time? Has she been too busy? Has she run out of opinions/musicians/songs/books/movies/events to talk about?" No, cynical blog follower, I have not. I have no excuse. Shame on me. I'm an apathetic blogger. I haven't blogged in almost a month, and my internet popularity (aka blog stats) is suffering because of it. I have seen a steady decline in stats over the past couple weeks, and the only one to blame is myself. 

So, I'm sorry, internet. Perdoname, por favor. 

News in my life: I leave for college two weeks from tomorrow. Crazy with a capital C.

The idea of college is starting to appeal to me more and more. When I picture it in my head, it seems kinda cool. You know, meeting awesome new people every day, learning cool stuff from cool professors, pledging a sorority, discovering who you are. All that jazz. 

I know what all you older, wiser followers are thinking. Oh, you poor, naive little child. 

I know, I know. I have a relatively active imagination and I know from experience that life is so, so rarely how you picture it to be. Actually, I think that it is a valid statement to say that life is never how you picture it to be. 

As displayed by poor Tom Hanson in one of my favorite movies, 500 Days of Summer. Check out how his expectations compare to reality. Not so hot.

Anyway, I'm warming up to the idea of college. But I still think that I could do with re-living this beautiful summer all over again. Yeah, that would work for me. Or at least slow down these next two weeks to where I can be prepared for college, physically and mentally.

But guess what? "The world spins. We stumble on. It is enough." (Colum McCann, Let the Great World Spin.)

Read Let the Great World Spin and then we'll talk about these photographs. And change. And how all of our dreams, our actions, our lives are connected, somehow.


1 comment:

  1. Hooray! You will love it. Mostly. But sometimes you will hate it. Rob and I were talking the other day about how people need those 4 years of in-between, because going from high school straight to full-time work would be SUCH a shock, none of us would survive it. College is like "independence with a huge safety net." It's weird, but cool. Have fun!
