Sunday, September 18, 2011

Spotted: deep meaning in a thrift store album.

So many awesome things come about as a result of random trips to the thrift store. On my most recent jaunt, I left the thrift store with a $2 cd, a $5 tshirt, and a date. Thrift stores can disgust, confuse, intrigue, and enlighten shoppers. I went on my first Starkville thrift store adventure a couple weeks ago and bought an Evan and Jaron cd. I've loved Evan and Jaron ever since my first true love from junior high told me he liked the song Crazy For This Girl. I figured that if I learned all the words to it and just happened to pass him in the hallway while singing it he would realize that we were meant to be and we would live happily ever after. But we all know that was not the case. Anyway...

I couldn't resist purchasing the album. The pros completely outweigh the cons: it was only 2 dollars, I love Crazy For This Girl, it reminds me of young love... But there's one track on the cd that I particularly love. It's called Wouldn't It Be Nice To Be Proud?

This song caught my eye because... well... it would be nice to be proud. Really nice.

I sometimes find myself thinking, we didn't have to win that game, but it sure would've been nice.

I didn't really need to win that contest, but it sure would've been nice.

I didn't really have to make that grade, but, man, would it've been nice.

And so on.

Who doesn't want to look back on their life and be "proud?" As the song says, "Now I've found a little time//to take a look back//from the caboose//and follow the tracks of my life." We all have things we want to accomplish. We all have dreams. But when these dreams become more than goals, when they become idols, when this search for pride becomes all-encompassing... Houston, we have a problem.

Recently I've found myself struggling with pride. As stated by the brilliant, brilliant Avett brothers, "I want to have pride like my mother has//not like the kind in the bible that turns you bad." It's not exactly that I find myself feeling proud... it's actually more like the opposite. I find myself searching for the respect and admiration from my peers in order to feel proud. I look for things to build myself up. I want to be proud to wear the letters of my sorority, proud to be a student at my university, proud to be a english/music therapy/spanish/musical theatre/fill-in-the-blank major.

But guess what? (You can probably tell where this is going.)

I discovered something that we can all be proud of....

Our inheritance in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Until we have ultimate satisfaction and pride in our relationship with him, nothing more is going to satisfy us.

Because he is the ultimate thirst-quencher, the ultimate cup-filler, the ultimate pride-giver.

"He chose our inheritance for us, the pride of Jacob, whom he loved." Psalm 47:4

"As for me, I shall behold your face in righteousness, I shall be satisfied with your likeness." Psalm 17:15

Joseph, you never thought that our trip to the thrift store would lead to a super-deep, introspective blog post, did you?

XOXO Clumsy Kim.

Disclaimer: As much as I wish I did, I don't watch Gossip Girl.

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