Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'll be your harvester of light and send it out tonight so we can start again.

Having a blog is a lot harder than I thought it would be. It seems that I am not as deep and witty as I would like to think that I am, and now that I am a blogger extraordinaire, it seems like the pressure to be artsy and introspective has increased tenfold. So yall will just have to be patient while I do some soul-searching. Hopefully I'll find something good to put on here!

Even though it's not december anymore, I've been listening to "Winter Song" a ton today. Gotta get into the mood for the great Alabama snowstorm of 2011- I mean, 2-3 INCHES?? Getting on the road is practically suicide, people. Not that I'm complaining- I love a good snow day. But back to winter song: best christmas/seasonal song EVER. And I mean, ever. Sara Bareilles + Ingrid Michaelson = beautiful music. It's as simple as that; a recipe for perfection. It's got Sara's haunting melody and the simplicity that characterizes so much of Ingrid's music. Check out the adorable music video below.

And to close, some encouragement that I stumbled across a couple days ago:
"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'" Isaiah 30:21
Each of our steps is planned by God, foreseen by Him. When we trust in Him, it's like having a road map through life, no matter where we go. And in this hectic whirlwind-life, a secure "way," as Isaiah puts it, is a wonderful thing to bank on. If that doesn't add some sunshine to your wintery day, I don't know what will.

I hope yall have a GREAT snow day! Drink lots of hot chocolate, build lots of snowmen, and spend lots of time fireside. And I guess watch the national championship game. Whatevs.


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