Thursday, January 6, 2011

my friends call me clumsy.

Well hey there, blog.

I'm actually really excited about this. I've wanted to get a blog for a really long time now, but it takes a lot more courage to release your thoughts and opinions onto the internet than you would think. And it takes spare time, which is something I don't have very much of. But since the second semester of my senior year (YIKES) has just begun, I've had a lot of down time, aka BLOG time!

I stole the title for this blog from one of my favorite songs, On the Radio, by Regina Spektor. If you haven't ever heard it, I HIGHLY recommend it! It's the perfect blend of poetry and an extremely catchy melody. But what I love about this song is its bluntness (which may or may not be a word). It's great for me because I tend to take everything in my life too seriously, especially the decisions that I make. This song sums up what it's all about. It really puts in perspective the things in life that are important. And as I get ready to leave for college, I want nothing more than to spend my last few months at home wisely, with people that I love, doing meaningful things.
And I got the website name for this blog from my precious friends that gave me the affectionate nickname of "Clumsy Kim." Let it be known to the blog readers of the world that I am a VERY clumsy girl. And it's not just when the sidewalk's a little slippery or when I'm wearing super high heels. It is ALL THE TIME. Trust me, you'll want to follow this blog if only for my clumsy moments. They can be QUITE entertaining.

In short, this blog will be about me, my opinions, and my life as I wrap up high school. I'll try to keep it a little more interesting than just a couple sentences about my day here and there. Cause who wants to read about that? No one. And what good is a blog if no one is going to read it? So tell your friends!

Cause clumsy's gone virtual.

"This is how it works: you're young until you're not, you love until you don't, you try until you can't. You laugh until you cry, you cry until you laugh, and everyone must breathe until their dying breath."

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