Sunday, January 30, 2011

kiss each other clean.

I'm not gonna lie, I am a band-wagoner when it comes to Iron and Wine. I had never heard of them until I heard "Flightless Bird, American Mouth" on the Twilight soundtrack. Sad, I know. In the years since, I've become somewhat of an Iron and Wine fan. But the new I&W album sealed the deal for me. Whereas all of his old stuff was almost too easy listening, there is way more variety on this album, especially with the instrumentals. Obviously Sam Beam's lyrics are great. That's a given. And with the different instruments, the album actually sounds like Iron and Wine is an actual band, not just some guy with a guitar. 

Anyway, buy this album. 

And check out these live videos of a couple of my favorite songs from the cd!

**All rights reserved for Joseph Darwin who was so kind to let me borrow his copy of this cd and graciously didn't get mad at me when I forgot to bring it back to him. (That's two shoutouts for you, Joe. You owe me.)

Have a great week and don't forget that it's still January even though it felt like April this weekend. Ugh. Winter needs to end.


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