Sunday, February 6, 2011

Poison & Wine

As stated by the previous post, I am an Iron and Wine bandwagoner. However, when it comes to The Civil Wars, I am not. As I told the adorable Joy Williams the first time I met her - that's right, I said first.. as in I've met her more than once!! - I've been listening to her music since she was blonde. Which was a long time ago. We used to listen to her cd "By Surprise" in my dad's car every day on the way to school. Great, classic christian stuff. I knew every word, every note. I thought that there could be nothing cuter than that precious blond girl laughing in the sun on the cover of that cd.

And then she dyed her hair brown and teamed up with the incredible John Paul White and created The Civil Wars.

I have never seen a more unlikely pair, but somehow, they make it work. Joy practically lights up the stage with her adorable sways and her laugh. Seriously... girls want to be her, guys want to marry her. And her voice! She has so much control over those pipes it's insane. John Paul's got some mad guitar skills, and his wit and conversation with the audience add so much to the already STELLAR performance (yes, I just said stellar. zetis lapetis.) And they have so much natural chemistry onstage. And their voices compliment each other so well. And their lyrics are so STINKIN poetic! And I know you're not supposed to start sentences with and, but I just can't compliment them enough!

Anyway. I saw the Civil Wars in concert for the third time last night and it was definitely my favorite show that I've seen them perform. I won't deny it, I'm a music snob, and the fact that their new album is number one on itunes right now brought me down. I like to keep good music to myself; sue me. But the crowd was so much more involved last night; moreso than I have ever seen with them before. Everyone knew the lyrics to the songs, which was so cool because the first time that I ever saw Joy and JP in concert, I saw them for free at a Samford coffee house. They have come so far, and, though it pains me to say so, I'm happy for them. I wish that pair the best of luck, because good music is good music and EVERYONE should have the privilege of being introduced to the music of the Civil Wars.

And now, as always, here are a few music videos that you probably won't watch, but should. The first two are just some music videos, and the last one is the civil wars doing what they do best, which is covers.


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