Sunday, May 8, 2011

Good memories are all I have.

Well, internet, it's been a fun ride. Senior year has been amazing. And tomorrow, with the exception of one last ap exam on Wednesday, it will all be over.

I honestly can't believe it. It seems like yesterday that I walked into Briarwood Christian High School for the first time as a student, completely terrified. I remember exactly what I wore. A red Lacoste shirt, sear-sucker capris, and rainbows. I remember realizing about halfway through the day that I practically blended in with my backpack, which was the exact same color as my shirt, and I remember being absolutely mortified at the idea that people might think that I had planned such a thing. How far I have come.

I also remember being asked to homecoming that same day, the most exciting moment of my life up until that point. I remember the second day of high school, where I informed people of my homecoming date like it was my job. I was so proud. And my dress? Y'all, the dress that I wore to my freshman year homecoming dance has yet to be topped. 

It's funny how memories work. The things we remember. I look back on my life, and all I can see are snapshot moments that come together into a collage of the past seventeen years. If I were to tell you what these snapshots were of, they would probably mean nothing to you. But I, on the other hand, find meaning in these memories and take comfort in them, because they are proof to me that I have lived a full life thus far. I have few regrets and so many things to be thankful for. And my only hope is that I can take these memories with me as I go out into the world, and that while I'm out there, I can make more memories to add to my collage. I pray that I will take advantage of the opportunities that I have been given, of the opportunities with which Briarwood has provided me. Because I haven't come this far to slow down now.

So. May 9, 2011. Bring it. You too, May 15.

I'm ready to make some more memories.


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