Sunday, May 29, 2011

Previously in the life of Clumsy Kim...

So a lot's gone down since I last saw you...

1. I went absolutely wild on senior trip and got a feather extension in my hair. Woohoooooo!!! It's slightly less rebellious than a tattoo or an extra piercing, but to each his own.

2. I got so sunburned that my skin felt similar to that of a desert-habitat iguana. Or leather. Take your pick. Either way, it was completely gross.

3. I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 4. I was slightly disappointed, but I was expecting to be, because what is POTC without Will and Elizabeth??? I am not ashamed to say that I have a deep-rooted love for Orlando Bloom; I have a t-shirt from Limited Too verifying this, as well as his life story magazine. Pirates was just not the same for me without him. Even though the love affair of the missionary and the mermaid was a close second to that of Will and Miss Swann.

3. I've turned into a runner. It's the new me: I run, I wear baseball hats, and I blog.

4. I've learned a lot. About my friends, people that I thought were my friends, about myself. I've learned that I will be disappointed by the ones that I love, but I've also learned not to wear my feelings on my shoulders because the ones that disappoint me will, for the most part, be the very same ones that encourage me in everything that I do the very next day.

5. I've gained closure. And y'all all know how much I've been searching for that.

Shout out to my SeaPrize girls. Love y'all more than words can say.


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