Saturday, May 14, 2011

They don't call me clumsy for no reason.

Alright, so at the beginning of this little adventure I call blogging, I told you that I was a clumsy girl (thus the blog name). I also promised you a little glimpse of my clumsy moments. Well, today's your lucky day. I had three. And all of them involved my sister, Darby.

1. Did y'all know that MiGi's in Homewood is a very tiny store? It's not only tiny, but it's extremely cramped. I mean, they cram more clothes into that place than in the salvation army. Its shelves are overflowing with expensive dresses and blouses, and they simply did not think to put adequate space in between the racks of clothing. There is hardly any room in there to even WALK! Seriously, if you are wider than a beanpole, I would suggest you wait outside. Anyway, I was there today for the first time with the Darbster, and I, being the unexperienced MiGi's shopper that I am, sadly underestimated the space allotted for my head between the end one of the racks of clothes. When I turned, it slammed me in the eye. The natural reflex for such a blow is to step away from the dangerous object (which, in this case, was a clothes rack... very hazardous), but no, to do so will only result in you slamming the back of your head into another clothes rack. Like I said, cramped space. Don't go into MiGi's and say I didn't warn you.

2. Tonight, in honor of my graduation, my family ate dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, Outback. Twas delicious, but that goes without mentioning. What does, however, bear mentioning is that Darby and I split a meal, which is never a good idea because we both really like our food, and we tend to get a little stingy about it. My mom was offering me to give me one of her AWESOME croutons from her salad, and she handed it to Darby to give to me. (I think you can already tell where this is going.) Darby attempts to pop the crouton into her mouth, and I leap to steal it from her before it is too late. I knock the crouton out of her hand, but I also knock over her glass of water in the process. So I was fat and wet. The lesson learned from this one? Don't share croutons with your sister; you'll only be disappointed.

3. Third, and probably clumsiest, occurred after dinner, in my room, on my bed. Darby was doing that obnoxious "I'm not touching you even though I'm only an inch away from your skin" thing, and I had had enough. I mean, there's only so much a girl can take. So I slapped her on the thigh. Hard. And her natural response was to kick me. Off the bed. (What is with these darn reflexes??) Not only did I tumble off the bed, but I hit my elbow on the bedside table. So I'm ending this day with three more bruises than I had yesterday: two on my FACE (just in time for my graduation ceremony tomorrow), and one on my elbow.

So now you've gotten two things out of this blogpost: A glimpse into The Secret Life of a Clumsy American Teenager and the knowledge that I have a sister! She's always complaining about never being mentioned in my blog. Well, be careful what you with for, Darby. Cause you never know, you could be portrayed as a crouton-snatching, sister-kicking shop-o-holic.

Like this.

Or this.

But Darby's pretty cool in real life, I guess.

Yeah, we make a cute couple.

1 comment:

  1. *gasp* YOU HAVE A BLOG? Thanks for giving me one more reason to not grade papers.
