Monday, May 9, 2011


1. Four Years - Jon McLaughlin
I will always love Jon and I will always be jealous of his wife.

2. Long Live - Taylor Swift
BY FAR the greatest song on the Speak Now album.

3. Goodbyes - Savannah Outen
Love this girl. Another shout out to Lucy Caboosey for introducing me to countless youtube stars.

4. Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) - Green Day
I just love this song.

5. Seasons of Love - Rent
Rent... changed my life. Changed my perspective on music, changed my appreciation for the arts. Just... changed me.

6. For Good - Wicked
I dare you not to cry.

7. White Houses - Vanessa Carlton
This one goes out to my best friends... You know who you are. "We promise each other it's til the end..."

8. Stop This Train - John Mayer
Nuff said.

9. Time to Remember - Billy Joel
My dad introduced me to this song when I was just a little tot. It's great, and I can see it becoming a favorite on senior trip. You know, the beach imagery and everything? Whatever.

10. Nothing Short of Thankful - Avett Brothers

11. All Good Things - The Weepies
This one's a little depressing but I love me some Weepies.

12. I Hope You Dance - Lee Ann Womack
In case you didn't know, a somewhat past middle-aged administrator at my school sang this at our senior chapel last week, and my friend ABBEY WINDLE danced to it. Abbey will be getting a blogpost all to herself someday; she deserves one. Cheesiest song ever written. But very applicable here.

13. Ocean Avenue - Yellowcard
Straight from my wannabe alternative dayzz.

14. Brave - Idina Menzel
I just want to be her.

15. Faithfully - Journey
Yes, the gLee version. Is there any other?

16. Wake Up - The Arcade Fire
Great band, great song.

17. Postcards from Far Away - Coldplay
Even though this one doesn't have words, I love it, and I think it's appropriate here.

18. Turpentine - Brandi Carlile
Sad, but true. This could be us in a few years...

19. That Year - Brandi Carlile
In case y'all didn't know, Brandi wrote this song about her friend from high school who committed suicide. It's about being too cool for school, and therefore hurting those you love the most. After an encounter with suicide last year, it is my prayer that no one else that I ever meet feels this way, and that if they do, that I won't turn my back on them. "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in."

20. Wish You Well - Katie Herzig
For every high school relationship that didn't work out.

So there you have it. The Ultimate Graduation Playlist. I should charge you for the greatness and the sappiness of these songs. There are probably many that I'm forgetting, and if so, let me know and I'll add them. Cause I love me some good ole-moping and soaking in misery about this part of our lives coming to a close.

P.S. Lo siento for the awk spacing on the track list and video. I tried to fix it for like 30 minutes, but to no avail.

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