Sunday, August 21, 2011

For your entertainment...

Today I was surfing the blogger abyss, trying out super-cool new gadgets to make my blog the best that it can possibly be, when I stumbled upon some neat-o things that I thought might interest you. Here are just a few of the new features that blogger has to offer. I consider them to be blog enhancers.

1. Daily puppy photographs- This is exactly what it sounds like. A cute and cuddly puppy picture every day.
2. Shrek-ever-after countdown. Alright... I love Shrek, but I didn't know that it was such a phenomenon that it would require a countdown...? To each his own, I guess.
3. Teeth whitening tips. Always good to know. Who doesn't want to take good care of those pearly whites?
4. Campfire pictures. The camper in me loves a good campfire. Nothing is more cozy than a warm campfire, crickets chirping all around, the smell of smoke drifting in the air.

However, as appealing as these features may be, I decided that they are not exactly what I'm looking for in order to make my blog more indie/artistic/southern/cute/deep/literary/witty. If these gadgets are something you would be interested in, then, by all means, please let me know and I'll find a way to get your daily puppy photographs to you. I'm sure we could start up an email chain or something.

And because no blog post is complete without a random video...

You can just call me Mrs. Justin Robinett. Or Mrs. Michael Henry. Whichever you prefer.

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