Wednesday, April 27, 2011


"Where do I see, uh, myself in ten years? That's a good question. Okay, well, I guess more than anything, you know what I would like? I would like the happiness that I have right now. Although, I guess, what are the chances of that? I mean, you go through your life, and you're probably only going to be able to look back and pinpoint, like, two or three times where you were genuinely actually happy. And then, of course, in those moments, you wouldn't have even appreciated it anyways, because who does, right? So, where do I see myself in ten years? Um, I guess what I would like is... I would like to be right here. You know what I mean? Right now, in this moment, and not because I'm afraid of uncertainty, because I'm not. It's just, you know, I was taught that when you have something good, what you're supposed to do is you hang on to it, you know? You hang on to it with both hands, and if somebody tries to take that from you, what you should do is you should make sure that they pry it from your cold, dead fingers."

Seth Cohen hit the nail on the head with that one. 
Good to know that I'm not completely crazy for feeling the way I do. I mean, if Seth feels that way too, then it must be normal.


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