Thursday, April 28, 2011

May Day

Ahh, May. Such a great month. The beginning of summer (the vacation at least), my birthday (18... finally legal), flowers (April showers bring them... duh), emeralds (obviously the best birthstone)... what could signify a better month? It's still cool enough for comfort, but the air is tinged with excitement for the summer heat.

The first day of May always makes me think of that fateful May Day in I Capture The Castle. I just love that book so much. I've never met a character whose life parallels so perfectly with my own as Cassandra Mortmain's. She's like a younger, more naive version of Elizabeth Bennet, and she is awesome. I tried to model my journal after hers for a while, but... let's just say it did not have the same effect.

For those of you who haven't read the book, Cassandra spends her May Day in the traditional British way outside, playing games which she knows are too childish for her and being, to put it delicately, a hippie. I won't ruin the book for y'all, because I firmly believe that everybody should read it, but this day marks a turn in Cassandra's childhood and causes her to do an about-face in her views on love, and life in general, I guess.

That rabbit trail leads me to say that I will probably be spending my May Day just like Cassandra Mortmain. Flowers in the hair, dew in the face, dancing around a bonfire, the works. Oh, and I'll probably speak in a British accent. Cause it is a cruel trick of fate that I was raised in Birmingham, Alabama as opposed to Birmingham, England.

"Just to be in love seemed the most blissful luxury I had ever known. The thought came to me that perhaps it is the loving that counts, not the being loved in return -- that perhaps true loving can never know anything but happiness. For a moment I felt that I had discovered a great truth." 

So young, and yet... so wise.

This will be me on May 1, 2011.

Care to join the fun?


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