Friday, April 22, 2011


Is it possible that a cover of a song can actually be better than the original?

Case in point: E.T. by Katy Perry.

Now, I love me some Katy Perry. Ever since that fateful night at the Schaeffer Crawfish Boil sophomore year with Steph when she sang "I Kissed A Girl" and someone in the audience actually gave her some cherry chapstick, I've been a fan. "One of the Boys" is one of my favorite girl power albums eva. Some of my fondest memories of the drama dept are "warming up" for a show by belting out "Teenage Dream" and "Waking up in Vegas." Wise decisions there, very wise. She's cute, she can sing, what more could you want? (Besides the fact that her dad's a preacher.... weird.)

But lately, I've been listening to some covers of Katy Perry songs more than Katy Perry herself. It all started with gLee. How could you not adore 30 guys in private school uniforms belting out "Teenage Dream"? It's just great.

What prompted this post is my recent obsession with Michael Henry and Justin Robinett's mash-up between E.T. and Waiting for the End to come. If you've never heard anything by these two guys... I don't know what to say. You haven't lived.

Judge for yourself. The first link is the original ET. The second is of Jayme Dee (yet another shout out to muh girl). And the third? If you've got a limited time frame, watch the third. Michael and Justin. IlovethemIlovethemIlovethem. #sweetaction.

Let me know what you think! I love feedback.

P.S.- I was listening to ET while I was blogging to ensure that it was "internet-appropriate" (like anything isn't), when my dad asked me if the song was by Katy Perry. I was shocked by his sudden interest in pop culture. He then proceeded to ask me what I thought about Lady Gaga's Judas. Props to you, Dad. My dad is the coolest dad around. (There's a 2009-2010 music appreesh allusion for ya.)

10 hours til Sara.

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